Access Denied from Xp to win 7 64 bit Shared Folder
access denied and account disable when access win 7 64 bit folder from Windows XP Here The Solutions Create Standard User from win 7 64 bit and name computer has "mserver" example : user - myprog Type simple Password for user Myprog examples : 123456 Create Folder Name examples : myvfp and shared for everyone and full control access. After that DONE In windows XP type Name or Server \\mserver (your computer name) If appear windows Logon Type user : myprog and Password :123456 and you can meat folder myvfp (vfp folder) If not than your Windows XP have some Problem has say : account disable or something error access denied ..... Click Start Run .... type : control userpasswords2 goto Advanced - and Click - Manage Password Click Add Type Name of Server : mserver username : myprog password : 123456 Restart your Computer and DONE Enjoy... Send me email if you have some problem at Thanks for your attentions